Tel: +1.602.553.1988
Fax +1.480.550.6092
International, LLC
©2011-2023• All rights reserved.
SmartTray® International, LLC
Design and Maintained by: ULtra VIsion inc • 847.840.0322

About SmartTray
SmartTray® International, LLC pioneered patented Personal Electronic Device (PED) holders for use in commercial aviation in 2011. United Airlines was first to license SmartTray patented technology in 2014. Today, SmartTray has eighteen granted patents in the US and Europe covering broad range of integrated PED holder solutions in passenger seats and tray tables for use in aviation, rail, bus, automotive and marine transportation. SmartTray PED holders facilitate hands free use of smartphones and tablets significantly enhancing on board entertainment experience. SmartTray proprietary PED holders are within arm’s reach and in full sight of each passenger. There is no pain or muscle fatigue from holding PED’s boasting superior ergonomics and better customer loyalty. Replacing traditional food tray tables with SmartTray multi-function tray tables that hold PED’s at each seat offer lowest cost options to upgrading passenger seats in BYOD environment. For most installations, SmartTray can be installed in entire aircraft, bus, or a train car in just a few hours resulting in significant cost savings and without taking vehicles out of service. SmartTray is privately owned. For information about licensing and strategic partnership opportunities please inquire at:
SmartTray® WINS NewComer of the Year Award at APEX 2013 IFE Expo!
SmartTray® is honored to be a finalist for the 2015 Crystal Cabin Award for Passenger Comfort Hardware.